
Showing posts from April, 2020

Grits Ain't Groceries?

"If I don't love you, baby, grits ain't groceries, eggs ain't poultry,  and Mona Lisa was a man." - Little Milton Basic Buttered Grits Grits are regarded by some people, particularly furriners and damyankees, as the national food of the Occupied Confederate States. While plenty of us will stand up and be counted for peas and okra, butter beans, turnip greens, catfish, and cornbread, the fact is that grits probably are the quintessential southern dish. Try substituting "turnip greens" into Little Milton's immortal love ballad. It just doesn't work. You may serve grits with turnip greens, if you wish, although for grits and greens, collards are milder. My case rests. Grits may be served with cheese, with fried eggs mushed up in them, with a spicy shrimp sauce, with white sausage gravy, red-eye gravy, the aforementioned greens, with just about anything you want to put in 'em, served as a porridge or a casserole or fried in cakes. Butt