More Flag Wrapping


I pledge allegiance to the Great Mosquito
and to the Yellow Fever which it spreads

The Mississippi Commission to Redesign the State Flag received over 3,000 proposals. Some were obviously jokes, which was expected, and at least one of those jokes -- or at least we assume it was a joke -- inadvertently made its way onto the published list of 147 "finalists." Supposedly this happened because of a typo on a commissioner's "first cut" list. 

While it's not exactly dignified enough for courtrooms, the Great Mosquito Flag certainly strikes a chord in the hearts of all Mississippians. According to one source, the mosquito pictured on the proposed flag would be capable of sucking 12 gallons of blood per hour! As far as I know, the only bloodsucking parasite capable of exceeding this rate of consumption is a Mississippi politician. 

Seriously (and in my opinion, sadly), the Great Mosquito flag was a joke. The guy who submitted it did so to poke fun at a coworker who was against retiring the old "rebel" state flag. And design-wise, it is simply a Stennis "Hospitality" Flag with a giant Aedes aegypti substituted for the central star. Not much to it.

But since this is a joke, here are some Mississippi mosquito jokes...

Tree damage from passing flock of mosquitoes

Mosquitoes in the Mississippi Delta region are required to file flight plants with the nearest air traffic control tower to ensure they don't interfere with agricultural aircraft (crop dusters).

At least one sheriff's department uses camera-equipped mosquitoes to monitor traffic on I-55 North.

Mississippi mosquitoes may be identified by the FAA registration numbers painted on their tails.

Some Mississippi Delta counties have road signs prohibiting landing aircraft on public roads. While many folks think this is to keep crop dusters from refueling and refilling in the road, the truth is that it's a form of mosquito control.

A friend of mine overheard two mosquitoes talking in a nearby tree. One asked the other, "Should we eat him here or take him back to the nest." The other replied, "Better eat him here. If we take him back to the nest the big ones will steal him from us."

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